Sunday, September 24, 2006

bottled water.. is there really a point

Why does the consumer market figure it must dish out money for clean drinking water? This is a question that boggles the mind.. Because does it really matter if our water is hyro-7 purifed? Does anyone really know what that means or what it entails. People in some parts of Africa drink contaiminated water, because there is nothing eles... but us in North America can't stand our clean tap water because we need our H2O needs a hyperfilter to remove 98% (TDS). Isn't this not fancy mumbo-jumbo people, that is used by marketing to make us want, no correction to make us the consumer market need and crave this product. When people start bottling our air, are we going to buy that too? To me bottled water is for the people whom are idots of our western society to be more reconizable.


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