Wednesday, November 29, 2006

ecmp 355 experience

Wow, the semester rocked. I took an amazing course through the university of regina, with a prof named alec couros, I've learned all about technology and how to embrace it in a classroom, some of the methods explored in this class will definately be part of my classroom. It was a fun class which i endurded the cold weather to attend. Its a great class to take and i'm probaly going to take 455, because as we grow as a golbal community we need to learn how to grow as teachers as technology advances we must keep our eyes and minds open to the new concepts which emerge becaues i beleive in the close future that our students will need techology in one shape or form to work in the real world, the biggest thing that i've got is that techology is a great resouces but don't over abuse it and over use it. loved this class take it all u of r students


Blogger Alec Couros said...

Thanks Rochelle. I'm really glad you enjoyed the course. All the best in the future, and keep in touch.

10:48 AM

Blogger Sammy and Hess said...

This semester did rock and a learned a lot as well. I am looking forward to taking ECMP 455 too. Technology is amazing. The reason I say this is because I was browsing on the internet and I came across google blog search. Even though I am in your class and have your blog site on my bloglines that is not how I found you. I was searching on that search site and came across this blog. Weird.

6:11 PM


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