Monday, March 03, 2008

The three A's of the day

I learned that everything stays on the internet, I had this blog set up since last year and I was easily able to log on and remebered how to use all the buttons such as changing text and such. I was thinking that this account should be long expired and not in exsistance but once you post something it will forever stay on the internet. Affirmation is the belief that technology can be intergraded into the classroom on a daily basis, by blogging I think that parents, administration and other classrooms within the school no longer would feel like outsiders but more as part of the classroom community that you are establishing within your classroom. Blogging is an enviromentally friendly way to send out newletters or other information to people in your community and its also enviromental friendly as you are not just wasting more paper. As you can see with Kathy Cassidy's blog, technology can be used to make your students feel as though they are artisit and authors as they are really writing for a purpose and an audience on their blog.


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