Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Dropkick and BR

Wow! all I can say is holy shit muther.. well you get the point... that was a sweet concert and well worth the drive and the late night. Clit 45 and Comeback Kid were decent opener, but the whole crowd was given the ol' murphy cheer throughout both there preformaces. Dropkick Murphys was insane!! The pit was crazy i've never seen so many pple with hawks do a jig, it was incredible to watch and well worth it. This chick right here ( refering to me of course) was a mess in the pit and crowd surfen', and not only did i get on stage i was given a guitar pick which is now my most prized possesion. So by the time Dropkick was done i was dehydrated and ready for BR to take the stage. Crazy stage show, they played everything old and new it was a great mix. I've never been in a pit that big before it was insane ( trust me i held my own). Loved the acoustic, by greg and also the enorce which they played "America Jesus" and "Sorrow". Wow all I can say is it was an amazing show that i won;t soon to forget. So now i have less then two weeks to heal my bruised body and lick my wounds because Pennywise is at the odeon on October 8th, and guess who has tickets, thats right.

Monday, September 25, 2006

me so tired

Why are monday morning so hard, is it because you finally sober up from the weekend and realized all the stupid shit you've done or is it because you "forgot" to do all that homework. As I look around our ecmp class i see tired faces and all i hear is about the weekend escapades. All mondays bring our new expectations for the weekend a head, or new goals that you set for yourself. Monday by any other name is still the worst day of the week.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

bottled water.. is there really a point

Why does the consumer market figure it must dish out money for clean drinking water? This is a question that boggles the mind.. Because does it really matter if our water is hyro-7 purifed? Does anyone really know what that means or what it entails. People in some parts of Africa drink contaiminated water, because there is nothing eles... but us in North America can't stand our clean tap water because we need our H2O needs a hyperfilter to remove 98% (TDS). Isn't this not fancy mumbo-jumbo people, that is used by marketing to make us want, no correction to make us the consumer market need and crave this product. When people start bottling our air, are we going to buy that too? To me bottled water is for the people whom are idots of our western society to be more reconizable.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Psycho.. wat?

Psychobilly is a type of punk music with a 50's rockabilly feel. If you've been to a psychobilly concert you know the excitment in the pit. The main attraction of this type of the music is the stand up bass, the cool flat tops and 50's clothing that accompany the band and the fans profile(plus the music is amazing). We are lucky enough to have our own psychobilly band here in regina. I was ultimatly impressed by the drummer with the small drum set who refused to sit down and the bassist and guitarist who decide to jump in the pit. If you get the chance to check out some psychobilly bands and its looks like a fun scene to jump into check out these bands, Horrorpops, Tiger Army, Nekromatix, or The Cramps.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Chillaxin on the Weekend

So, this weekend was not that eventful accept for that a crazyed cycleist stop by my house looking for my techno-lovin neighbor. Don't worry I directed him in the right direction. I decided this weekend it was time to relax, so i worked a little on my corspondence course, cleaned my apartment top to bottom, hung some pictures, spent 5 hours starting and wraping super mario (OH YA!), and went to the movie Click. All in all it was a good weekend, I'm trying to save money because on Sept 26 ( that is one week and one day) I going to saskatoon to watch not only bad religion but dropkick murphys. Should be good time, i'm quite excited to get bruised up in the pit. Well hope everyone, settles down and gets to work. See yah.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Sept. 13, Information Overload

Getting back into the school mode is a little harder then it seems, espically after a 4 months summer where I haven't keeped my mind as active as I should have. Although I've been enjoying my classes, I have forgot how much work goes into university.Some of my classes seem to hold my attention more than others and some I feel totally wiped after. Also I've found that the education building is freezing at all time which has lead me to the conclusion that this is why all teacher's wear sweaters. A question that is buggin me about this bloggin is why is there no spell check? Are people that good of spellers now or whats going on in the world?

Monday, September 11, 2006

Hi ECMP 355
This is my first attempt at bloggin ever so don't hold me accountable for mistakes. This is a crazy class with lots to absorbed in a little time. I have used some of the sites before, but most I am clueless that they exsisted. I think I'll be using the parndora website the most just because its a varitety of music that your able to be exposed to.