Monday, October 30, 2006

Blogging theme 3

Ourassignment for this blog is to pick a quote off of
and disscuss it and its meanign to you... so here the quote i pick and below it is a rant . Have fun reading everyone
The real danger is not that computers will begin to think like men, but that men will begin to think like computers. ~Sydney J. Harris

I really like this quote because it shows the scary side of computers and the difference of computer to human development. Human are breathing, thinking, emotional, empathic, individuals. I believe that there is a select few that behave like computer (ones that believe money, death and destruction is the way of the world). I think losing our human charatertics abd beginning to feel as a number instead of living being, is a scarier thought
computer becoming manlike. I really like this quote cause it did make you think about how the world is run today and how it people are losing there ideity and becoming mindless drowns that might as well be USB into there computers. If we lost all compassions and human attributes, I think the world would become an even more scarier and lonelier place then it alerady is. It really makes you think about all the people that don't interact with anyone one besides there computer. And its even scares me that i can refer to the inamate object as a person without question. This quote can really make you think about the world as a whole and which direction technology is taking us.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

My favorite book of all time

Catcher in the Rye, by J D Salinger is in my belief the best book in the entire world or that I have ever read. In all i think i've read it about 5 or 6 times and everytime i notice somthing eles that i didn't catch last time. If you haven't read it your really missing out. Its a great book to pick up and was a a novel before its time. Totally recoomed it. So all you people in cyerspace find it and read it any way possible.

Monday, October 23, 2006

harcore scene

We are not in Kansa anymore. I went to the hatebreed show last night and this is not a happy go lucky political punk band. This band is a Heavy Metal, Hardcoremusic really i didn't even know it sill exsisted but oh it does and it was in full swing at the Distrik on sunday night. This was insane does anyone know what two steppin id? well i found out last night its not the country two step whihc we all know adn love but it is a crasy dance where peoples arms and legs and flinging everywhere its pretty much a new version of self defense. This show was a total new experience for me and opened my eyes to the hardcore seence which is every much alive in regina. I didn;t get into this pit because i would have been seriously destroyed. Anyways if you did attedn the Hatebreed show last night and thats your scene and your surived the pit then i commend you for your bravery. I'm not so sure i'd attend another hardcore show because the music isn't really my tytype hatebreed has a punk feel thats the only reason i attend the show (really derek made me feel bad because he didn't want to do alone). All i can say is that this was a new experience and kufos to the kids in the hardcore scene which makes those security guards eyes open wide when they jump off other backs and bombard the stage. I hope you can see the two steppin link i've included by clicking the white spot, if not go to you tube and look up two step hardcore in the search. Hey and anyone in the punk scene knows something about Punk shows at Soho's on saturday adn is it worth going to?

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Educator Blogs

What a great way to dicuss problems in the classroom and find solutions. Also you can learn more about technology, new teaching processes and lesson plans. I scribed to all the blogs on the ecmp 355 website because in each one could one day help me in one way or another. When looking for a solution sometimes you need an outside opinion and some of these blogs included this option. Sometimes you as an educator you need a way to fent productivly and effectively. It also gives you a chance to meet other educators from across the world and maybe even can create a connection with a classroom, to encourage your students to gain technology knowledge. Since teachers are supposed to be a continous learning I think blogs are a great way to help educator and future educators to achieve this goal.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Media Awareness

On the internet beware of what you read with the technology today and the intelligence of some pc geeks today some of the facts may not be true. GASP! Yes the internet is a great way to keep up to date in facts about the world if your reading for a leigtimate source but a huge percentage is false facts. If your in emcp 355 and read Kristina's entry or blog she explains how the internet is sometimes can fool people. When your reading internet information treat it much like a tabloids that you see in the supermarket some of the infromation is falseified. I love using the internet as a research tool, give me news, and so much more. The internet is my portal to the rest of teh world I can read about extrodinary things as they are happening instead of waiting for the 11 o'clock new. My only advise to you as a reader is be skeptical of the internet and all the information it provides you, the only thing not to be skeptical is of this blog, cause its all true fact brought to you by the events in my life.

Why do people suck?

This question appeared to me again this weekend, when all four tires of derek's car got slashed along with are neighbours. Can anyone explain the randomness and the stupidity of the people who do this kind of thing. Is it because he decided to get a car wash that day? Is it because he worked his ass of to make the money to afford to go to school? Is it that hes still paying off his car and they decided that some how he could afford this instead of eating for the next 6 months?I thinking none of these is the right answer and its just some jerk off trying to be a tough guy by slashing tires at night, like serious whats the point of that. If he wants to piss off random people and not even be a man or woman about it and runs away at 3 in the morning when none are the wiser. Thats the most pussiest thing I've ever heard or seen done its so stupid and makes no sense. So my question to the world is why do people suck?

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Denver eating habits

My little puppy is not only cute but he is so bad. This dog is good at home but as soon as we get somewhere eles he3 pisses and shits all over floors, we took him to my boyfriends parents and this is excatly what he did. Denver will also eat everything and anything espically if your chewing on it, i've seen denver eat twizzlers, grass, lettuce, corn, an aloe plant, and alot more. My puppy has an never ending stomache, don't worry he does get in trouble and get puished but man my puppy does some crazy things. Like the last two day denver has climb the baby gate that hes not allowed to get of and run a muck in the house when me and derek haven't been there. So i've included a video of a puppy that remind me a lot of denver. Click the white link above

Pennywise and Ignite

Wow! what a show this was easily the best show of my life. It was amazing there was so many people. Ignite was well worth it to watch espically as an opener. I really enjoyed the circle jerks to gave you some ol' skool punk.The pit was insane I didn't even dare to go in till the last song beause everyone that came out was bleeding or had blood on them, that how rough the pit was I saw people throwing people around it was sweetto watch. Pennywise was fricken crazy i could not believe all the people sing along and just jamming out. If you missed the show i feel sorry for you because that was the total punk show experience. I hope to one day see pennywise again and it not be in such a small venue. I also had a sweet spot i stood on a ledge about 15 ft away from the band. I stood there the entire time and took in the whole show. Like i said if you missed it i feel bad for yah!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Thanksgiving all alone...

My Thanksgiving this year sounds pretty sad, my parents are flying to Vancouver to visit my brother and leaving me in saskatchewan all alone. And this week along i have received muliple phone calls to see if i was going back to my towm. Sadly i'm not. I know all of you are thinking poor Rochelle but thats not the case even though i'm staying in sasktachewan i've got tickets to pennywise at the odeon in saskatoon. So while all the old pple are jammin out to the rolling stones i will be in the pit getting more bruises. So don;t feel to bad for me i'll get a thanksgiving dinner some how. If not KFC will have to do. I hope everyone has a wonderful Canadian Thanksgiving. See yah guys after teh long weekend if i don;t get time to wrtie . Adios

Green Eggs and Ham and Internet Spam

Pop ups! SEXY pop ups! JUNK MAIL! I hate it all, I dispise it. Its annoying to sort through email after email looking the good stuff, the stuff you want to or need to read. Also i hate crappy fwds please don't send me emails about the millionarie who will send me thousands of dollars if i fwd or that hotmail will be shutting down and it verify my email then i won;t have to pay for the service. Truth is if your sending a email verifying our friendship, were probaly not friends. Sending me the funny emails or the shocking email which make me say holy shit. And for the love of god just because i'm on the web doesn't mean i'm looking for advertisements about "cindy and her hot sex". This rant has come at time were i have become frusterated when i enter others computers that don't have email sorters or pop up blockers. So peoeple please download these things and stop sending me crappy fwds.

Sunday, October 01, 2006


This weekend was my one year anniversary with my boyfriend and he got me the best present of my life. He got me a little puppy, which is a cocker spainel and terrier mix and boy is he cute. We got him from a vet clinic in tisdale and he is the sweetest little thing that i have ever held. He came with the name Denver so we decided to just keep that name in order not to confuse him. But he is adorable and not only has he slept through the night he unexpectedly quiet. I just wanted for everyone to share in my joy. I hope I can figure out how to post a picture so you guys can see my little guy.